Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Need a Composter, Find a Composter

Find a Composter locates nearby composting facilities. The Pennsylvania search yields results in suburban Philadelphia, a state corrections facility, and a few others. Philly, represent! Area composters can add themselves to the site's database. Why turn down free advertising? Get on the list.

The Resources page includes links to non-governmental and governmental agencies and initiatives that support composting. Find the contact information for the EPA and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental protection. Find a Composter is a service of BioCycle Magazine and is sponsored by the Biodegradable Products Institute.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lazy Environmentalist Reads and Signs

Josh Dorfman, author of The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget will discuss and sign his book, The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget: Save Money. Save Time. Save the Planet. In The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget, Josh Dorfman takes you inside the latest developments in green living to demonstrate how you can easily and affordably save your planet. From raising eco-conscious kids to greening your daily commute, Dorfman provides insights into the next wave of green innovation and the products and services that will lighten your planetary impact and lower your expenses.

Josh Dorfman is the author of The Lazy Environmentalist: Your Guide to Easy, Stylish, Green Living (Stewart, Tabori & Chang) and host of The Lazy Environmentalist television series on the Sundance Channel. Dorfman is also the founder and CEO of, a resource for consumers seeking the best green products and services, and of Vivavi, a retailer of modern, green furnishings. He lives in New York City.

The discussion and signing takes place at 7 PM in the University of Pennsylvania Bookstore, 3601 Walnut St. Philadelphia , PA 19104. Call (215) 898-7595 or visit the bookstore web site for more information.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Run for Air

During the past 28 years more than 50,000 people have celebrated Earth Day by participating in the Clean Air Council's 5K Run for Clean Air. The 5k run is the largest Earth Day celebration of its kind in the Greater Philadelphia area. Set on a beautiful spring morning, the Run brings out more than 3000 people to celebrate Philadelphia-area communities, clean air, and healthy living.

The run takes place Saturday, April 18, 2009 from 9 AM to Noon at Martin Luther King Drive. The Run features a pre-race group stretch by Dhyana Yoga, Run bags and t-shirts, and post-race massages! Online registration is available until April 15th. For more information contact Ryan Schneider, Run Director at 215-567-4004 x 110 or send him an email.

Friends of Wissahickon: Two Free Lectures

Friends of the Wissahickon (FOW) is offering two free lectures at the Chestnut Hill Library this spring. The lectures are about reducing global warming and the disconnection between children and nature.

On April 29, Janet Milkman will present No Child Left Inside. "Children spend less time outdoors now than in any time in history," says Milkman, "a trend could have serious implications for childhood behavioral, physical, and intellectual development." Milkman will lead a discussion of the growing disconnection between children and nature, its causes and implications, and potential local and national solutions. She will also explore what this problem means for the environment and for the Wissahickon. Milkman is President of ERTHNXT, a national non-profit based in Philadelphia that helps children and youth learn about and protect their environment. She is former President and CEO of 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania.

On May 27, Julie Lalo will present Doing Nothing Doesn't Do Anything! Lalo notes that scientists recomend reducing global warming 80% by 2050 to avoid the worst impacts of global warming. "They have set the goal, now we have to set the pace. And each of us has a pace we can set for ourselves."

The lectures are part Friends of Wissachikon's Protect Our Watershed program. Protect Our Watershed aims to resolve erosion problems in the Wissahickon by identifying sources of stormwater runoff, developing educational programs for property owners, and providing conservation easements. Both lectures will take place at the Chestnut Hill Library ( 8711 Germantown Ave. ) at 7:30 p.m. For more information on FOW or the Protect Our Watershed program, visit or call (215) 247-0417.